Hadith Course

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Hadith Course

The majority of Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah derives from Ahadith, which are statements he made in response to specific circumstances that occurred in his daily practice. Students will learn more about pure Sunna in this course, which is why this course is important. Ahadith is also regarded as the second most important source of Islamic law or Shari’a. In this course, the student will:

  • Learn Hadith meanings
  • Know the origin of each Hadith
  • Memorize +100 Hadith  
  • Differentiate between types of Hadith

Learn Hadith Online With the Best Online Hadith Course

Teachings and Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Become More Clear For Muslims of all ages, Islamic E Institute has created a special online Hadith course. Delivering the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) requires specialists and professionals from different universities as AL Azhar University Islamic University of Madina and Jamia Darululoom Karachi who have knowledge of the Hadith and Sunnah’s historical context.
Our tutors will lead the students through a step-by-step process to learn the key Hadith components, types, the definition of Matn, the definition of Sanad, and its types in an engaging manner that keeps the class focused and engaged.
Before the course begins, instructors will meet briefly with the students to assess their familiarity with the Prophet, Islam, and Arabic and to make sure they understand the fundamentals.

How Does the Hadith Course Map a Perfect and Successful Life for Our Students?

From birth to death, business dealings, marital relations, manners on the road, and even what to eat and drink were all topics covered in the Hadith. The student’s life will change significantly once they develop the habits and ways of life that make a strong Muslim with a distinctive mindset.

Learn The Origin of Hadith

The primary Hadith sources are discussed in this section, along with how they came to be accessible to the students. What two Sheiks (Al-Bukhary and Muslim) mentioned in their Sahih is essentially what tutors teach their students. Tirmidhi, Abi Dawud, Ibn Majah, Al-Arba’oun Al-Nawawyia, Muwatta Imam Malik, and Sunan An-nisa’i receive honorable mentions from tutors as well.

Learn the Types of Hadith

Students learn about two different kinds of Hadith throughout the course, including Hadith Sharif, which are the statements made by the Prophet in response to his utterances and circumstances in which he was personally involved. The second kind is Hadith Qudosy, which was revealed to the Prophet by Allah and is expressed in his words.

Learn Components of Hadith

Students will learn Matn and Sanad throughout the course. After discussing each Hadith, the tutor has to illustrate Matn, which is the objective of Hadith and what it eventually states. Tutors also explain the Sanad, or line of narrators, of the Hadith. Students should also understand different Sanad types and the factors that impact them and Hadith itself.

Sunnah, Shari’a, and Seerah

To make it easier for students to understand and make connections between the Hadith, tutors will divide it into sections. A section provides examples of the Sunnah, or customs and practices that the Prophet followed. Another illustrates a part of Shari’a and Hadith that puts laws for daily life. The last illustrates events that the Prophet experienced and his sayings on each event. 

Learn The Introduction to Fiqh

In order to discuss rituals, morals, and social laws, tutors present the fundamental concepts from the Quran and Hadith. The four major schools of Islam—Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali—as well as Ijtihad—are the main sources of Fiqh, which tutors introduce as a logical outcome of the assimilation of the Quran and Hadith.